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Servicios dentales profesionales

Clínica Dental Tijuana

Ya sea que tu necesidad dental sea sólo un examen y una limpieza o una restauración bucal completa, te prometemos brindarte una atención excepcional mientras realzamos la belleza natural de tu sonrisa. A continuación te mostramos algunos de los procedimientos y servicios que brindamos regularmente a nuestros pacientes dando resultados sorprendentes.

¡Te damos una razón para sonreír!


Dental Clinic in Tijuana
Dental X-rays

Diagnóstico integral e interconsulta:

The comprehensive diagnosis and interconsultation is basically the same, the diagnosis is given depending on the case in question, such diagnosis is particular to each patient according to their age and general health.

Dental Extractions

Extracción de muela del juicio

The dental exodus is the amputation or removal of a dental organ (tooth). The extraction requires local anesthesia to be executed, otherwise it would be one of the most painful treatments to perform in the dental area.

Dental implant

Implantes dentales

The implants are used as a substitute for the root or commonly known as tooth, the implant as such is a titanium screw that is anchored in bone that today, having the optimal conditions of both physical and oral health is the best option for restoration when there are missing dental organs.

Equipo dental

Odontología general

General dentistry primarily diagnoses, treats and prevents primary problems of the mouth (or oral cavity) It includes not only problems affecting the teeth, but also the gums, and temporomandibular joint. In most cases the dentist is the one who makes the first diagnosis of the patient, resolves and prevents the most common problems that affect the oral cavity and is responsible for carrying out periodic check-ups. General dentistry provides a global vision of the problems of patients and, if necessary, refers the patient to each specialist, according to their needs.

Dental crowns

Coronas Dentales

Dental crowns are a covering that fits over a damaged, deteriorated or unattractive tooth. You can even replace a tooth completely as part of building a dental bridge. The crowns cover the tooth entirely above the gum line. There are different types of materials with which dental crowns are made depending on their purpose, for example, if the purpose is to improve the appearance of a smile, in that case it is an appropriate material such as ceramic or porcelain or zirconia that will be used to make a crown bridge with a more natural appearance.


Plan de tratamiento

A complete treatment plan is one in which one or more specialists intervene to solve all the dental problems that the patient has; quickly and painlessly. In order to achieve this, we carry out clinical sessions as a team to obtain an internal and professional diagnosis to offer the desired result. The treatment plan begins with the medical history and the most important part is the anamnesis, that is, talking to the patient.


Odontología General

FMX (conjunto completo de rayos X)

Limpieza dental regular

fluoruro tópico

Limpieza profunda (por cuadrante)

mantenimiento periodontal


Resina 1 superficie

Resina 2 superficies

Resina 3 superficies

Guarda ocusal

$140.00 dlls.

$150.00 dlls

$45.00 dlls.

$200.00 dlls.

$130.00 dlls.

$100.00 dlls. 

$90.00 dlls. 

$150.00 dlls. 

$170.00 dlls. 

$250.00 dlls.

Tijuana Dental Clinic

Implante Dental y Cirugía Oral

Implante dental 
Injerto óseo (un solo diente)
Extracción de implante
Extracción sencilla
Extracción quirúrgica de muelas del juicio
Extracción de Resto Radicular
Corona  para implante Pre-Existente

$2,250.00  dlls.

$190.00 dlls

$900.00 dlls.

$250.00 dlls.

$550.00 dlls.

$150.00 dlls.

$150.00 dlls.

$1000.00 dlls.


Tratamientos de Ortodoncia

Precios desde...

Alineadores transparentes
Sistema Self-ligatingbraces

Brackets metálicos tradicionales 


$4,500.00  dlls.

$4,000.00 dlls

$3,500.00 dlls.

$170.00 dlls.

Tijuana Dental Clinic
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